Return and Exchange Policy

In order to avoid disputes between the two parties, when customers receive the goods, please check whether the goods are complete immediately. If there is a problem, customers can, within 48 hours after signing for the product, (1) clearly take a photo of the problematic part and packaging of the product, together with the order number and product number, and upload it to via email. hk or WhatsApp to +852 5495 0442.

Magic Living International Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Magic Living") requires customers to provide photos of problematic products to make a preliminary determination of the quality problems of the products. Within 48 hours after we conduct further evaluation and receive confirmation from Magic Living in writing, the customer will return the problematic product along with the original packaging to our designated return address and notify us. Within two working days after Magic Living signs and returns the product, if there is indeed a problem with the product, Magic Living will handle the return or exchange for the customer.


To remind you:

No return or exchange application will be accepted if the product is notified after the expiry date or the complete packaging is not retained.

  You can apply for return or exchange of goods under the following circumstances:

1) The product is damaged

2) Mismatched goods


Refunds or exchanges cannot be applied for in the following circumstances:

1) Waiting time for delivery is too long

2) A certain product is out of stock and a refund is required for other products ordered

3) Delivery time is delayed due to transportation problems

4) Expired the return request period provided by Magic Living

5) Man-made damage

6) The customer fails to return the goods that need to be returned within 48 hours after the return application is approved.

7) If the product is faulty, damaged, dirty, or has incomplete packaging due to human factors caused by improper use and disassembly by the consumer, returns will not be accepted.


Handling of products that do not accept returns or exchanges:

When customers take back the goods that have been returned to Magic Living, all returned goods will be returned to customers through store delivery.

Due to the customer's personal reasons or unilateral unreasonable request/failure to cooperate with our company's normal procedures, our company has the right to deduct the relevant freight and related administrative fees from the customer's payment.


Return and exchange arrangements

We will arrange return or exchange within 14 working days after receiving the goods. Customers can make up the price difference and purchase goods of equal or higher value.


What to do if out-of-stock situations occur after ordering and payment:

If the customer has paid and the product model is out of stock, our company has the right to require the customer to replace the product with a different model of the same type or other series of products. If the customer does not accept it, our company will need to deduct the administrative fee and refund the remaining payment.